ACE Schools
ACE Schools: Changing lives for the better every day
ACE schools is an alternative provision for children from 4-18 with sites across Plymouth, Cornwall and Devon. Pupils come to us for short stay interventions when other forms of education are no longer able to meet their needs. Our schools use a Trauma Informed approach to provide a full curriculum experience personalised to the needs of each individual, with a particular focus on core academic study and personal development. Our specialist staff work hard to raise pupils’ aspirations, self-esteem and resilience. We challenge them to aim high for their future after ACE, whether in other schools, further or higher education or the workplace.
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Staff, in their day-to-day interactions, demonstrate that pupils are respected and valued. This clear and consistent message underpins ACE’s approach and develops pupils’ self-esteem and well-being. It encourages pupils to trust others and reflect on their own responses. Consequently, pupils have more positive interactions and learn to manage their behaviour better